Every society has its own culture. We tend to believe that we are the masters and keepers of it. But is it so? In ancient time we used paint with our fingers. Nowadays, we are aided by digital means. We can get more or less the same results, swapping the brush for the digital pen. But the digital world, has its own preferences. Digital aid actually turns out to be more like a virus then an assistant. How?
The digital world, prefers to paint shiny objects like metal, because it is easier to program and formulate it’s characteristic algorithmic. The opposite is human hair, all variants for that matter. The calculations are more complex and not yet as convincing like the illusion of metal objects.
Is that why most modern cars look so familiar? Are they all using the same software? It has to look great on a computer screen, right? What happened with the hand on experience of the sixties? Sorry, let’s get to the point. Really i’m not a technophobe.
As a result of this digital creative technology, seeing digital shiny objects, in our culture is more common than seeing biological beings. It is just easier to do. We don’t see movies with hairy creatures fighting over our existence, like in the blockbuster the Transformers often, do we? Nor see we the computer exploring with us or aiding us with human emotions. It’s simply not its nature. Computers like symmetry, repetition and computations.
Let’s just imagine we could travel to the future, as easy as we could breathe air. It’s easy to imagine someday, there will be some digital robot like beings, with a pretty good mind and probably a sense of humor. More or less just like we envisioned it in the movies. All this happened, just because some of us like to act on our fantasies and visions. We even fashioned it according to our image, just for pleasure. It’s not really a robot, but a humanoid-robot.
In present and modern cinema, we see robots talking with an attitude. We clearly see it as the innocent fabrics of the human mind. It is just harmless fantasy.
But looking back from the (far) future to the past. Our present time, might be seen in the future, as the forecast of a new species. The pre beginning of the “new” robot specie.
For us at the moment, it was simple entertainment. Not knowing, that it would inspire men to love and create these machines. The creative humanoid -all build out of metal bits and pieces- filled with microprocessors, created by us, would coexist with humans for many years. All living in peace and in harmony. The machines develop themselves to be equally or more as knowledgeable as us human beings. Until now, all our assumptions are very straightforward. Probably a bit boring.
Just say for the sake of arguments, that the human race would become extinct. Suppose, our sun is dying, and the Earth is in a deep-freeze. A new bacteria triumphed, killing all humans. To make things more complicated, an alien specie just discovers Earth, many 10000′s years later.
They most likely will point the attention to the point of most interest; the digital robot like culture. Since we humans have been distinct millions of years, they fail to notice the residua biological elements. And when one of these visiting aliens is to point out to the biological residues on earth. He is ridiculed for it, because it doesn’t seem that they are very intelligent. (Notice image)
Just imagine not only humans also all mammals are extinct and just some plans and some strange insects would still be alive by then. The visiting aliens point all there resources to the still present culture of the robotic world. They just seem to be so much more advanced and interesting. This is where the dilemma begins.
In the future they might see a film like Transformers, as the birth of mechanical humanoids. And because there is no real human around to look at, the presence robotic humanoid population, may think of this film as a story from their ancestors, which created a fleshy fantasy creature, a fleshy android. Running on liquid instead of electricity. They may even see it, as their own primeval culture and not a human culture. Like us, they might believe their ancestors are a bit stupid or crazy to come up with fleshy fantasy creature.
But, as we all know, the film the Transformers is created by the humans. And do we believe ourselves to be gods? Guess no. All we do all the time is getting ourself into trouble, but we are certainly no gods. The robot’s are a by product. It just happened, because we are too lazy to work. But, we may still be seen by the robots we created to be their gods.
In our present age, we still struggle with the question, are we alone in the universe? We ourselves value the ancient Indian Sanskrit transcripts, which has an unimaginable age of about 5000 years. Even now, we still don’t understand them fully. They describe city’s in the skies, floating. What are they talking about? Is it a metaphor? Is it real? We can’t tell now.
For these digital androids of the future, a creature functioning on red liquid (blood), is as far-fetched as to say; the majestic electromagnetic clouds at our north and south poles is an intelligent creature of energy. And they are responsible for all our dreams. Dreams are not biological, but alien. It might even be aliens making contact. That is far fretched, isn’t it! Better to be far fetched and wrong, then bored, wright?
When the newly born/created/build robots see the movie Transformers, and they see a human in it, they can only make a mental picture of us. There is no proof anymore around for them to explore because all humanity has died.
Now we make it even more interesting. We imagine the newly arrived aliens to scientifically investigate one basic question; Who created the first machine, which created the machines.
And surprisingly, the answer is, it is not a the machine it is us! But no one of us is alive at the time to proof it, to the newly arrived alien. The visitor might ask itself; “Why do robot’s need to make jokes? Were did this inefficient software “logic” came from? Who defined humor?”
This would be a silly question for most humans now. Especially for them who build the first androids and it artificial intelligence. But for the advanced alien, this question is practically impossible to answer. This is the paradox. The answer is so easy and incredible difficult at the same time.
These humanoid machines, are now thriving, created, retained, disposed of, and recycled. They fulfill every requirement for a living creature. They are funny and even call it there culture.
But, it is still impossible for the first machine to create itself. And yet there they are. The aliens may even conclude there is another alien species, who put it there. We know it came out of biological cells from Earth itself.
Now, let’s hope the best. Since we created the robot, maybe they might recreate us, to return the favor. Hidden in the robot is our spirit. Whatever that may be. Why is what we create so different from ourself, we even see them not as fully different being?
Forget war and competition! That would be to simple! Imagine that these “machines/robots” would recreate us again in the future. How primitive we may perceive them to be, are they not a image of our self? Would that not be the mutual respect that would be appropriate?
Like in the Old Testament; “God created us according to his image.”
All this ignorance of these visiting alien is just because, they visited us at the wrong phase of creation. They just happened to arrive, when we were not in the process of creating the robot. When both creature where there. They would see humans as beings who fashion them self in metal en electricity as a hobby.
And even after many years past the end of mankind, there are still these simple insects, which posses 90% of our DNA. Our building blocks plan you can still catch and study. They just have to look, at that “stupid” insect, to see the secrets of human and even animal life.
It’s not very unlikely, that there is more mystery in DNA, than we believe. Probably the most ridiculous idea’s could be true. We just need to be openminded, and remember that. Alternative thinking is free. This DNA could be part of a machine of device, which has been extinct from beginning of our time. It could be anything. As it probably is a image of our creator.
Probably there’s still a lot of proof lying around on earth, in writing, in our lost cities, we just don’t see it. If we can’t understand extinct life on earth. If we don’t know why the dinosaur got extinct. How could we ever find life in the universe? Or better understand, appreciate it fully? How could we ever know what life is, when we don’t realize that we ourself are in the process of creating a robotic specie?
Our creature the humanoid robot is as much human as ourself. When we give it more brains we have ourself we will not create a frankenstein.
My best guess is that creature and creator just have to respect each other, because the day of need may come. Or should we simple get rid of all our computers!